Tuesday, June 8, 2010

18 Areas of Improvement for Modern Medicine (Part 1)

Before I dive into today's post, I wanted to send out a huge, grateful "THANK YOU!" to the readers of my blog. I have over 1,000 views of this site in less than 2 months and it's all thanks to you! Spread the word as it's the thought that I am sharing my knowledge to avid readers that really keeps me coming back and posting.

So I came across an awesome article that outlines the "18 Biggest Problems with Modern Medicine."  So we aren't too negative, we'll call these "problems" "areas of improvement" instead.  I have my personal views of modern medicine and I think it has its own merits but what I really liked about this article was what modern medicine didn't offer vs. traditional medicine.  Modern medicine has been around for centuries but traditional medicine has been developed over generations and generations.

Over the next three days, we'll review the 18 points that Dr. Lipman highlights in his article and I'll, of course, put in my two cents.

18 Biggest Problems with Areas of Improvement for Modern Medicine

(photo courtesy of care2.com)

What are the biggest problems you see with the way Medicine is practiced today? Here is my list, I am sure there are more:

1. Modern Western Medicine is based on a narrow “scientific” model, and arrogantly ignores and rejects therapies and entire medical systems that don’t fit this model.
Traditional therapies and medicine have been developed through a combination of instinct and trial and error since the dawn of time.  How can we  dismiss the intelligence of those systems that have treated the body for that time and allowed humans to advance to where we are today?

2. Doctors are trained in hospitals in “crisis care” medicine, not to take care of the “walking wounded,” which is the majority of people. They need to be trained to take of the “walking wounded” as well.
 I think that modern medicine has done wonders to help people survive unpredictable crises like amputations and car crashes.  They also help people survive strokes, cancer, and heart attacks, but they are not doing the back end work to prevent the strokes, cancer and heart attacks. We need doctors to care about preventative care!

3. Instead of treating the underlying causes or imbalances, Doctors often merely manage symptoms.
We are a group of "walking wounded" with many many bandages around all of our body parts.  Bandages are good if they allow the body to heal, but when they only mask and cover up the appearance of the disease, it doesn't mean the disease still isn't there!

4. Symptoms are seen as something to be suppressed rather than a pointer to some underlying imbalance.
The body is smart enough to give us signs/symptoms of when we are ill.  For instance, a fever indicates that something is wrong and the body is raising its body temperature to kill bacteria.  The fever is not the issue and should not be suppressed because it's there to help treat the ultimate problem.

5. Doctors see the human body as a machine with separate parts that can be treated independently rather than as an integrated whole. In addition the mind and body are also seen as separate independent entities and emotions are often ignored.
I've had my fair share of conversations about modern vs. traditional and this is my biggest argument.  The scientific method tries to scientifically "prove" the validity of theories by recreating the same reaction minus all variables.  This may work in proving gravity but with a human body, it is too complex to try to do this.  There are a billions of moving parts.  The body cannot be considered as a variable-free zone in scientific experiments.  There are still relationships in the body that doctor's have not discovered!  And when you throw the mind into the mix, it gets even more complicated. 

6. Man is not seen as part of nature, and how what happens in nature effects humans.
This is going to sound a little hippie, but "we are all one."  Our ancestors lived off of the earth and the earth provides us with the appropriate foods and tools to survive.  For example, after a long winter of eating heavy foods, the earth provides us with fresh, detoxifying greens as an indication that this is what we should eat to rid ourselves of the extra  pounds put on over the winter.  We cannot continue to dismiss nature in our everyday lives!

...to be continued

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